Instant Start System

Meet the BorgWarner Diesel Instant Start System ISS (2nd generation): fitted with a new control unit and additional heating flange, the Instant Start System helps engines to reduce the emissions at cold start.


Instant Start System

The BorgWarner Instant Start System (ISS) allows diesel engines to start almost as quickly and reliably as a petrol engine, even at low temperatures.

With its performance-optimized glow plugs and an electronic control unit which regulates the glow time and voltage of every single glow plug individually, the ISS is able to contribute to a permanently safe combustion process.

The BorgWarner Diesel Instant Start System ISS of the second generation with new control unit and additional heating flange brings a further reduction in consumption and emission.


  • Short heating up time (up to 1,100 °C in 2 seconds)
  • Safe start even at temperatures of -30 °C
  • Electronically controlled pre-heating, intermediate and post-heating
  • Immediate stable idling and clean load assumption
  • Minimized emission of pollutants and fuel consumption in the warm-up phase
  • Specially designed for diesel engines with direct injection
  • On board diagnosis compatible

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